Sunday, July 25, 2010

Adams Flea and Tick Shampoo, 12 oz. Top Quality

We are fighting a flea outbreak on our two dogs and two cats. Part of the war includes bathing all the pets. (We also use frontline or advantage, flea collars, sprays and firnature spray in addition to this stuff. This is a multiple front war).

This stuff is nice. Pleasant smell. Not bad (no tears). Seems milder than my shampoo. We did see fleas do down the drain and the pets did not seem to mind either the bath or this shampoo. Using a hand sprayer, we wet the animal in the tub and worked in the shampoo than rinsed. After 2 cats and 2 large dogs we have more than enough to do in again next month or as needed.

Their coats are silky and you can tell they all feel better. Both from being "pretty" and also from not being harassed from the flea bites. None of the pets gave significant grief during the bath other than a minor loss of dignity.

We purchased this 12oz bottle locally for $17.Get more detail about Adams Flea and Tick Shampoo, 12 oz..

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