Monday, May 31, 2010

Discount ProMeris for Large Dogs 55 - 88 Pounds 6 Doses USA Version / EPA Registered

One of my German Shepherds, poor baby, has demodectic mange. No, it's not from neglect and I didn't adopt her; it's actually from a mite that lives on most dogs and even some humans too which is given by direct contact between the pups and their mother. My dog just happens to not tolerate them well. After plenty of feeling guilty for the way my dog looked, how miserable she seemed and 3+ vet visits a Promeris regimen kept the demodex under control. The cons to this product is that it makes her very drowsy. Maybe only 15 minutes after applying the medicine she will be napping. The drowsiness lasts a couple days after applying it. It smells pretty awful, like you've dipped your dog in a citronella candle, and leaves a white residue in the fur. Be careful to apply it right on the neck behind the head so the dog in unable to lick it; the active ingredient can cause nasty side effects if the dog does such as loss of coordination and vomiting. Personally I've only experienced the sleepiness with Promeris though.Get more detail about ProMeris for Large Dogs 55 - 88 Pounds 6 Doses USA Version / EPA Registered.

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