Friday, May 28, 2010

Bio Spot Spot On for Cats over 5 lbs., 3 Month Supply Top Quality

I am very thankful for the honest people who left comments about this product. You have saved the life of a very, dear loved cat. I have used this product on my dogs with no problem. I used it on 2 cats. One cat is doing well, but my other cat got ill within 24 hrs of using this product. She initially seemed disorientated and walking funny, then vomitting, eventually leading to mild then severe seizures, wherein she couldn't stand up anymore. I am sorry to hear that other people have lost their cats to this product, but after watching one of my cats suffer through hours of seizures..I don't feel too comfortable recommending this product. I am happy to say that my cat is fine, so far...thanks to the advice of everyone that said to give her a bath in warm water. It was really heartbreaking for me to have to see her go through these seizures for what seemed endless hours and all I could do is hold her and give her what little comfort I could until the morning when I could get her to the vet. After a bath she gradually began doing much better within the hour, however the seizures continued but got milder and she began getting her appetite back and ability to stand. Yes, the product has been washed off of my other loved ones even though they showed no signs of illness. This was the first time I have ever had a problem with the product and have used it before in the past, but will not take the chance and ever use again.Get more detail about Bio Spot Spot On for Cats over 5 lbs., 3 Month Supply.

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