Thursday, May 27, 2010

Capstar For Dogs And Cats 2 To 25 lbs (6 Tablets) Get it now!

I have had up to 3 Papillons since 88 and have tried every flea prevention made over the years. I have yet to find a pill, powder,liquid etc that lasts 30 days. I would say the average is 2 strong weeks and a medium third then little to nothing. That is also treating the yard, bedding, and house. Given that, the Capstar works as well as most but you must also use another product to kill larva since Capstar only kills the adults already on the animal. I am using program for that now. If you use a liquid ( advantage for example) 2 weeks after the pills you have a month of flea free dogs but how much of this junk do we want to give our dogs ? Frequent baths with a good flea /tick shampoo, vacuuming daily, and and the washing machine are major factors and much healthier for man and beast !Get more detail about Capstar For Dogs And Cats 2 To 25 lbs (6 Tablets).

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