Dogs Flea and Tick Control for your lovely dog. Discount prices on Dogs Flea and Tick Control meds and heartworm medication for dogs and cats including popular pet, meds like frontline plus, sentinel, etc. Read reviews of Dogs Flea and Tick Control currently available online.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Low Price Program Tabs 6pk Dog Brown 1-10lbs
I'm not sure about the circumstances of the previous reviewer, but I have only had positive results from using Program. I have 2 dogs and a cat, all of which suffered terribly with fleas last summer. I thought I would get a jump on the little buggers this year, so I started all the animals on Program first thing this spring. The dogs love the tabs (they think it's a treat) and the cat did not mind the suspension mixed into his hamburger one little bit. I saw maybe 2 fleas all summer. If the product were not working, those two would have turned into 2,000 by now! As it says, it does not stop the flea population left over from a previous year, but it does prevent the reproduction of any residual fleas. I will definitely keep using this product and highly recommend it. If you're looking for a quick fix to an already out of control problem, you'll still have to use some type of insecticide for initial control.Get more detail about Program Tabs 6pk Dog Brown 1-10lbs.
Save 4 MONTH K 9 ADVANTIX Blue (for dogs over 55lbs.)
Our Golden has never had a flea or tick problem since we started using this product. I highly recommend it.Get more detail about 4 MONTH K 9 ADVANTIX Blue (for dogs over 55lbs.).
Discount ProMeris for Large Dogs 55 - 88 Pounds 6 Doses USA Version / EPA Registered
One of my German Shepherds, poor baby, has demodectic mange. No, it's not from neglect and I didn't adopt her; it's actually from a mite that lives on most dogs and even some humans too which is given by direct contact between the pups and their mother. My dog just happens to not tolerate them well. After plenty of feeling guilty for the way my dog looked, how miserable she seemed and 3+ vet visits a Promeris regimen kept the demodex under control. The cons to this product is that it makes her very drowsy. Maybe only 15 minutes after applying the medicine she will be napping. The drowsiness lasts a couple days after applying it. It smells pretty awful, like you've dipped your dog in a citronella candle, and leaves a white residue in the fur. Be careful to apply it right on the neck behind the head so the dog in unable to lick it; the active ingredient can cause nasty side effects if the dog does such as loss of coordination and vomiting. Personally I've only experienced the sleepiness with Promeris though.Get more detail about ProMeris for Large Dogs 55 - 88 Pounds 6 Doses USA Version / EPA Registered.
Cheapest K9 Advantix for Dogs - Over 55 lbs - 12 month supply
An excellent product that has kept my dogs free from fleas and ticks for years. I use it monthly except for Jan. and Feb. here in MA. when it is too cold outside for those pests to be active.Get more detail about K9 Advantix for Dogs - Over 55 lbs - 12 month supply.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Cheap DeFlea Pet and Bedding Flea Spray for Dogs and Cats, 24-Ounce
I used advantage for my cat after not using it for a while. They were in our beds and i used this to try to get them out after changing the sheets. I don't like the fact that they tell you not to use it for humans but you can use it for pets. May be it's a law suit thing but I was looking for one i could use on my bed.Get more detail about DeFlea Pet and Bedding Flea Spray for Dogs and Cats, 24-Ounce.
Buying Permethrin 10% 32oz
I have used Pyrethrin many years for general insect control, inside and outside, with great results. In my opinion, it is one of the best natural insecticides available on the market. The reason for 3 stars is that I was not aware of the difference between Pyrethrin and Permethrin, and there is no mention of this anywhere in the product description. When I searched Amazon for Pyrethrin, both products came up leading me to believe they were the same, only labeled differently.
The difference being Pyrethrin is a natural extract from the chrysanthemum plant, and will not harm mammals, fish, or, birds. Permethrin belongs to the family of synthetic chemicals called Pyrethroids. It is extremely toxic to fish and cats, and has been linked to poisoning dogs as a flea/tick repellent. It is not as environmentally safe to use as Pyrethrin. Therefore, it is not the same thing, and I think buyers need to be made aware of this. Permethrin does work very well for general insect control, but I would be very cautious using it on dogs, or livestock for flea/tick and fly control. If you are looking for a "natural" insecticide, pay more for Pyrethrin. Otherwise this is a good product for general insect control, and is certainly less toxic than many commercial insecticide alternatives.Get more detail about Permethrin 10% 32oz.
Buy Merial FRONTLINEPLUS6-PURPLE Frontline Plus 6 Pack Dog 45-88 Lbs. - Purple
I got the item promptly and it was just what I was looking for. The package was unopened and perfectly intact. I gave the Frontline to my dog the day I got it!Get more detail about Merial FRONTLINEPLUS6-PURPLE Frontline Plus 6 Pack Dog 45-88 Lbs. - Purple.
Purchase Advantage - Blue Box for Dogs over 55 pounds - 6 pack
This product has worked very well on fleas for our golden retriever. We do not bathe him between treatments, even though some pet shampoos claim they won't remove the product-- we don't take any chances. I did NOT have success with their other product ADVANTIX for ticks. Only FRONTLINE worked for ticks, but was worthless for fleas! So I stick with advantage most of the time and it does a great job on fleas. I would guess that the previous reviewer might have an infestation problem in their house, so the dogs are constantly being exposed to new fleas, and I believe it takes 24 hours for the product to kill them. I have also heard that fleas in certain areas are becoming resistant to the treatments, and perhaps that is what is going on with them.Get more detail about Advantage - Blue Box for Dogs over 55 pounds - 6 pack.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Order 12 MONTH Advantage Flea Control Teal: For Dogs 11-20lbs.
This product works great for my dogs. I have tried other big name product however none work at keeping the fleas off my dogs. I tried Frontline but it could not keep the fleas off of my dogs. All of my surrounding neighbors have dogs but because of this product, my dogs don't have fleas therefore my yard is also has no fleas. Advantage works and my dogs have not had a flea on them since I started using this. My dogs are outside most of the time and when its cold I let them in knowing they have not one flea on them! I used to use Advantix, which worked equally well, however I was afraid it would be too strong for my smaller dog so I switched to Advantage and have not had any problems.Get more detail about 12 MONTH Advantage Flea Control Teal: For Dogs 11-20lbs..
Where To Buy K9 Advantix for Dogs Red, 21-55 lbs, 6 pack
Excellent product and a great price. This product is fast acting and effective. I found it has to be applied at least every 3 weeks though, but it is significantly better than Frontline & Frontline Plus.Get more detail about K9 Advantix for Dogs Red, 21-55 lbs, 6 pack.
Shop For Single Dose Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for Cats of All Sizes USA / EPA
Great item sold under misleading conditions. Make sure that you realize the listing is for one dose, not the 3 dose box shown in the misleading product image. Seller would NOT accept my return and give refund, although I see they have for other customers. Avoid this seller and save up to 20% by purchasing this product in the 3 dose package from Amazon and get free shipping in a sturdy box instead of the flimsy envelope that this arrived in.Get more detail about Single Dose Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control for Cats of All Sizes USA / EPA.
Advantage Flea Treatment for Cats
One of our three cats is not only diabetic and needs 2 insulin shots a day, but she's also violently allergic to fleas. Before she developed diabetes we would take her in for a steroid shot when her skin got bad, but we can't do that any more. She's an indoor cat, but down here in Savannah you can pick up fleas on your socks or pants cuffs just walking outside, and then we added an outside kitty to our household. Our vet recommended Advantage, and it has worked like a charm. Even with her extremely sensitive skin our diabetic allergic cat has regained her soft beautiful black coat. I can't recommend Advantage highly enough.Get more detail about Advantage Flea Treatment for Cats.
Friday, May 28, 2010
80001 Milky Spore Dispenser Review
This product looks like all the rest but is far from it. The tube is normal cardboard so the product "sticks" to the inside of the tube, it doesn't slide out nicely for despensing.(others I have seen since have a silver coating inside the cardboard to make the product slide out with out any problem) When dispensing you must shake it very hard to get any thing to come out. Because of this trying to get the correct amount to come out the bottom is very difficult, you never know how far you should open the slider on the bottom for distribution. You "cannot" fill the tube to the top with product as this only magnitude the problem of dispensing. I borrowed one from my sister so that my daughter and I could do the lawn at the same time. The difference between the two dispensers was unbelievable. Her's was silver coated inside and the product dispensed extremely well. She found hers in a local store and paid about half the price for it..... and it was a better product. I would not reccomend this particular product from this web site store to anyone.Get more detail about 80001 Milky Spore Dispenser.
Bio Spot Spot On for Cats over 5 lbs., 3 Month Supply Top Quality
I am very thankful for the honest people who left comments about this product. You have saved the life of a very, dear loved cat. I have used this product on my dogs with no problem. I used it on 2 cats. One cat is doing well, but my other cat got ill within 24 hrs of using this product. She initially seemed disorientated and walking funny, then vomitting, eventually leading to mild then severe seizures, wherein she couldn't stand up anymore. I am sorry to hear that other people have lost their cats to this product, but after watching one of my cats suffer through hours of seizures..I don't feel too comfortable recommending this product. I am happy to say that my cat is fine, so far...thanks to the advice of everyone that said to give her a bath in warm water. It was really heartbreaking for me to have to see her go through these seizures for what seemed endless hours and all I could do is hold her and give her what little comfort I could until the morning when I could get her to the vet. After a bath she gradually began doing much better within the hour, however the seizures continued but got milder and she began getting her appetite back and ability to stand. Yes, the product has been washed off of my other loved ones even though they showed no signs of illness. This was the first time I have ever had a problem with the product and have used it before in the past, but will not take the chance and ever use again.Get more detail about Bio Spot Spot On for Cats over 5 lbs., 3 Month Supply.
PREVENTIC Tick Collar 25" Dogs OVER 60 lbs - SINGLE Collar This instant
Our dog has a medium long, double coat. Searching through his coat for ticks is SOP (especially after a romp in/near the woods). Last year, our area had a record number of tick infestations recorded. But our vet recommended this collar two years ago, so we were not plagued with a single health-related tick issue. We use this product 9 months out of the year(with a break for winter here in the north).
Our dog is 6 years old, and has tolerated the collar's effects well.Get more detail about PREVENTIC Tick Collar 25" Dogs OVER 60 lbs - SINGLE Collar.
Preventic Collar For Dogs - Contains 9.0% Amitraz Immediately
We have a husky/malemute and live on 16.5 acres of wooded land. The ticks are EVERYWHERE, and we especially worry about deer ticks. With our dog's thick fur, we had a hard time finding the ticks on her until they were terribly swollen and she was miserable. At first, when I put the collar on her, it seemed to be doing NO good. I found another half dozen within the first 24 hours and 5 more the following day. After re-reading the instructions, I realized I had not tightened it enough and spread her thick fur apart to get it down to her skin. After doing that, I found 2 more ticks and haven't seen any since (except those on the outside of the fur, trying to get down to the skin). She seems so much happier now, too, not to have those awful parasites on her.Get more detail about Preventic Collar For Dogs - Contains 9.0% Amitraz.
12 MONTH Advantage Orange for cats under 9lbs Best Quality
The joy of shopping with Amazon is that you have many options from different sellers to buy from, of course. That's why I and everybody else probably does. If you have a cat or dog, you probably know this product if you're going to buy it in this quantity, so I'll save some server space. It works. It was a good deal. Ta-da.Get more detail about 12 MONTH Advantage Orange for cats under 9lbs.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Capstar For Dogs And Cats 2 To 25 lbs (6 Tablets) Get it now!
I have had up to 3 Papillons since 88 and have tried every flea prevention made over the years. I have yet to find a pill, powder,liquid etc that lasts 30 days. I would say the average is 2 strong weeks and a medium third then little to nothing. That is also treating the yard, bedding, and house. Given that, the Capstar works as well as most but you must also use another product to kill larva since Capstar only kills the adults already on the animal. I am using program for that now. If you use a liquid ( advantage for example) 2 weeks after the pills you have a month of flea free dogs but how much of this junk do we want to give our dogs ? Frequent baths with a good flea /tick shampoo, vacuuming daily, and and the washing machine are major factors and much healthier for man and beast !Get more detail about Capstar For Dogs And Cats 2 To 25 lbs (6 Tablets).
Siphotrol Plus Area Treatment Pump Spray Buy Now
I have now used the Siphotrol Plus Area Treatment product twice and it really works! Last year, our indoor-only kitty got fleas and is extremely allergic to them. Our Vet recommended Siphotrol Area Treatment and we were able to contain the infestation very quickly with no ill effects to us or our cat. Consequently, when my sister's dog brought a flea infestation in to her home this fall, I purchased the Siphotrol Plus Area Treatment for her and it worked just as well there, on carpeting, as it did for our hardwood floor home. The shipping was fast and we received it with no damage or defect.Get more detail about Siphotrol Plus Area Treatment Pump Spray.
Sentry Natural Defense Natural Flea and Tick Squeeze-On for Dogs and Puppies 40-Pound and Over Order Now
I too avoid putting anything ending in -ide on my animals. I have two lab mixes (70+ pounds each) & have great success with this product. Yes, the scent is strong, but it goes away after a day or two, as does the oil on the coat. I used it all last summer and with regular application (1x month) it keeps the ticks & fleas safely at bay. I should mention that we have lots of trees and our property butts up against some woods.Get more detail about Sentry Natural Defense Natural Flea and Tick Squeeze-On for Dogs and Puppies 40-Pound and Over.
12 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs) Decide Now
I have 4 dogs and also rescue/foster. I live in a warm climate where fleas and other insects are prevelent. I'm a firm believer in keeping all of my pets up to date on vaccines, heartworm prevention and flea/tick prevention.
I have used Advantix for years and have never had an indication of a single flea or tick bite on any of my animals during that time. Frontline is more expensive than Advantix and supposedly better, but I firmly believe Advantix does its job well.
Amazon is cheaper than 1-800 Pet Meds and any where else that I've found for purchasing 6 month supplies or greater of Advantix.Get more detail about 12 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs).
Frontline Spray, 500 ml Right now
I have a golden retreiver and an alaskan malamute(neither of which like being sprayed) who both developed an itching/flea problem over the summer. I've used the squeeze tubes that go on between the sholder blades in the past when I just had one dog. With two, it seemed a bit expensive to treat both dogs. The spray seems to be awesome. Both dogs are now flea free, and no longer constantly itch! Good price, product works as advertised.Get more detail about Frontline Spray, 500 ml.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Lowest Price Knockout ES Area Treatment 16 oz
"Knockout" Flea Killer is the "A-Tomic Bomb" for ridding your home & basement of Fleas!
My Vet reecommended it, after our home was infested with Fleas this year. Our poor cats are strictly "in-door only" cats, yet somehow the little devils got into our home and infested both our cats, and our wall to wall capreting, ( two story house with 4- bedrooms), Than to our horror the Fleas even invaded our large basement.
We treated the cats with "Fronline" & "Capstar" with great success, as well as everyday combing the cats out. Than our cat's Doctor told us about "Knockout". So, after shampooing our caprets we treated cubby holes, furniture, and closets with "Knockout", (as well, we washed all bedding & cat beds in the washer on a more than frequent basis), ............complete success! It wiped the little bloodsucking monsters out!
Finally, came our cellar, I sprayed the cellar from end to end with "Knockout". The following day, after I sprayed the cellar, I did what I call the "white sock test", Wearing only white crew socks on my feet, I walked around from end to end in the basement........"SUCCESS"!!! "NO FLEAS TO BE FOUND"!!
***NOTE*** Give the "Knockout" treatment at least two weeks, and than redo the "White Sock Test" in order to see if any baby Fleas, ( small black pepper size flecks), may have matured into full grown Fleas.
We give "Knockout" an A+++ as it works.Get more detail about Knockout ES Area Treatment 16 oz.
Low Price Program White for dogs 46-90 lbs 12 month supply
The service from the seller was great, and this product has never failed me with my two large-breed dogs who otherwise are nice bait for fleas and ticks. They live indoors with me, and make summers and dry seasons here in the South so much more enjoyable. Easy once-a-month treatment, and unlike topical treatments, you can bathe them/let them swim/get wet without worrying about the treatment's effectiveness.Get more detail about Program White for dogs 46-90 lbs 12 month supply.
Save Frontline TOP SPOT for dogs 89-132 lbs 3 month supply
Purchased the product for 86% off. Came delivered as advertised and appears to have worked.Get more detail about Frontline TOP SPOT for dogs 89-132 lbs 3 month supply.
Discount K9 Advantix for Dogs Teal, 10-20 lbs, 6 Pack
I used K9 Advantix because I was bringing my dog with me on vacation into a remote camp in tick-infested woods. I used three-quarters of the 20 lb. dose on my 13 lb. poodle. Approx. 12 hours after application, she began to have terrible neurological symptoms, running in circles and crying, jerking and jumping. Her nose became very hot and her breathing became rapid and shallow. We were up all night. By the time I got instructions over the telephone to wash it off with liquid dish detergent, it had been 24 hours. She survived, but the cartilage in her throat has been damaged and her bark is permanently changed. If you are using this product for the first time, PLEASE use only half the recommended dose and standby with the liquid dish detergent. If your dog can stand it, you can apply the rest two days later. The only antidote for permethrin poisoning is to wash it off with liquid dish detergent within the first 24 hours! If this product touches human skin, call a poison control center immediately! Many dogs have been injured, and deaths have been attributed to K9 Advantix. If you feel you must use it, first read the horror stories on the internet. Bayer Animal Health should have included on the box instructions on how to wash it off with detergent immediately if there was an adverse reaction.Get more detail about K9 Advantix for Dogs Teal, 10-20 lbs, 6 Pack.
Cheapest Program for Dogs 11 to 20 pounds or Cats up to 6 pounds
We have been using Program for our dogs for years and it works beautifully. Here in the San Diego area we tend to just use it during the highest flea season, which is usually May - October, but you can use it year round. Program is a chewable tablet that you give your animal once a month and it keeps him/her flea free. It is so much easier to use than the stuff you have to rub behind their neck and you don't have to worry about it washing off.Get more detail about Program for Dogs 11 to 20 pounds or Cats up to 6 pounds.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cheap Bio Spot Spot On for Dogs 31-60 lbs., 6 Month Supply
We have used Bio Spot on our dogs for a number of years, and it seems to work well. Our dogs are indoor dogs that are only outside about an hour a day. We try to apply Bio Spot once a month, and it does pay to stay ahead of problems. No matter what products are used, it takes time to rid an animal of fleas once they get well established. I have asked our veterinarian about Bio Spot, and he claims to have never heard of the brand, but they have some very expensive alternatives. We have had good luck with Bio Spot and have had no complications.Get more detail about Bio Spot Spot On for Dogs 31-60 lbs., 6 Month Supply.
Buying Tick Key (Tick Remover) - The Easiest Tick Removal Device on the Planet - Made in the USA
The tick season has been bad this year. We have a few outdoor cats and trying to hold them down, to remove a tick, is almost impossible. I purchased this on a whim. I almost expected something so simple not to work. Well, I am glad I was wrong. This worked great! One of our cats had a tick on her eyelid. I had tried all day to get it off. Luckily, this little gadget arrived in the mail the next day. I held it in my hand as the cat rubbed against it and POP the tick came off (head and all) as easy as that. The cat didn't even notice. The tick stayed in the gadget so I didn't have to touch the tick at all. The tick remover is metal so I could use a lighter on it. I keep this on my key chain and I plan to order a few more as gifts.Get more detail about Tick Key (Tick Remover) - The Easiest Tick Removal Device on the Planet - Made in the USA.
Buy Advantage 6pk Dog Teal 11-20 Lbs
We have tough fleas in Texas and this product does the best job on our miniature Dachsund.Get more detail about Advantage 6pk Dog Teal 11-20 Lbs.
Purchase Program Tabs 6pk Dog Red 11-20 Lbs Cat 1-6 Lbs
My cat is allergic to Frontline and Advantage, which are topical pesticides that get ingested when the cat grooms itself. He would get a lump on his neck wherever I would apply it, so I stopped using topical insecticide for flea control.
I really like Program. It controls fleas for a month, and I never have a problem with my cat getting sick. I put the medication into a little bowl with tuna juice from a can, mix it up, and he drinks it right away.
Even if your cat has a flea infestation, just give them a flea bath and use Program. You can also use Capstar which works faster than anything else, and kills all the fleas on your cat in 5 minutes, but is not long-lasting. The people that give this product a bad review need to realize that if you cat is infested, you need to do something about the active fleas and the eggs. Program is an ovacide that prevents fleas from reproducing so it won't stop an infestation, but it's so much safer for your cat. I'll never use anything else.
Get more detail about Program Tabs 6pk Dog Red 11-20 Lbs Cat 1-6 Lbs.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Order Frontline Spray Treatment
I had tried all kind of other brands and products to treat fleas for my dogs and they did not work, their hair started falling out. I read reviews of this product and decided to give it a try and it worked within a couple of days of putting it on my dogs. Great product would order again.Get more detail about Frontline Spray Treatment.
Where To Buy 4 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs)
Don't and I repeat DON'T waste your money it doesn't work on fleas and it doesn't work on ticks! I visited a friend in Tenn. who lives in the country last fall when I returned to Orlando I gave my Cocker Spaniel a bath and a haircut and was amazed that she had over 100 ticks,when I called the manufacture and told them about it the customer service lady acted like that was no big deal. Well it sure was to me. This crap is expensive, I even went to the size above her weight for the extra protection.It's supposed to repel as well as kill and from my experience it doesn't do either so save your money. I would have given it NO stars but you can't! PS I did not buy this from Amazon, Amazon is great! I bought from big box P-S. By the way P-S removed my review!Get more detail about 4 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs).
Sunday, May 23, 2010
4 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs) Review
good product, gives better protection
lasts quite well throughout the month
some similar products lose their effectiveness after 3 weeks.
definitely recommend this product.Get more detail about 4 MONTH K9 ADVANTIX Red (for dogs 21-55lbs).
Frontline Plus Dogs - X-Large 89 to 132 lb -12 pk Top Quality
Was cheaper on Amazon, Took a little while to get here but it's a much better price than at the vet.Get more detail about Frontline Plus Dogs - X-Large 89 to 132 lb -12 pk.
Frontline Topspot Blue 23-44 pounds - 6 Pack This instant
Frontline Plus was not working for our dog, a 25-27 pound mix of Sheltie and Pomeranian, so we tried Frontline Top Spot and are very pleased with the results. Our little guy's neck is prone to hot spots in the summer and with this product he has had only two, which is great compared to the dozen he had last year this time with the heat, fleas & humidity. He scratches at his neck and, well, everywhere A LOT less so there are fewer places for the hot spots to get inflamed. I'm investing in 6 mos worth, we think it is the best for our dog. Also, our walking trails have ticks and he has not had one since using this product. Highly recommend. BTW, if your dog does develop hot spots we like two products to quickly relieve the pain & itch and clear up the swelling completely (overnight)...the first is an all natural citrus spray called Bergapet Pet Spray [...] and also Dermasol Skin Care Gel.Get more detail about Frontline Topspot Blue 23-44 pounds - 6 Pack.
CAPSTAR Green for Dogs over 25 lbs(6 tablets) Immediately
I have used Revolution for years (without a problem) and just switched to Frontline (at the Vet's request) - which was the first of my problems with regards to fleas. For some reason, the Frontline failed miserably and even thought I began applying it every 2 weeks (versus 1x a month) both of my dogs ended up with fleas.
The vet gave me the Capstar tablet Over 25 lb for my 50 lb mix and 70 lb Doberman. Within an hour I saw fleas slowing down and within hours found the fleas dead on the tile floor wherever my dogs were laying. Definitely gross and definitely thrilling as it kills immediately. As many of the reviewers have stated - you need to do a 3 prong approach to attack those darn fleas. Have a monthly maintenance for your dog with Revolution, Frontline (or whatever works best for your dog), have these tablets on hand to do an immediate kill if ever needed, be sure your home & yard have been exterminated.Get more detail about CAPSTAR Green for Dogs over 25 lbs(6 tablets).
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Advantix For Dogs Under 10 Lbs. - 4 Month Supply Best Quality
I am always hesitant on ordering pet prodducts on-line
This time I will use them again
Get more detail about Advantix For Dogs Under 10 Lbs. - 4 Month Supply.
Bio Spot Spot On for Dogs under 15 lbs., 6 Month Supply Get it now!
Great product to use just as long as you are able to spot it on the animals before the fleas lay tons of eggs and get out of control cause if the animals get infested it's hard to find anything that will really work the way it's supposed to.
For long hair animals though I recommend using the spot on first, leave it dry (about throughout the day), then use a Bio Spot flea collar. I have found this is the best way to keep the fleas away on long haired animals.Get more detail about Bio Spot Spot On for Dogs under 15 lbs., 6 Month Supply.
2 PACK Preventic Tick Collar 18" for Dogs up to 60 Lbs Buy Now
Quality product - works really well preventing ticks when topicals do not work effectively. Will buy again, and I recommend to all dog owners.Get more detail about 2 PACK Preventic Tick Collar 18" for Dogs up to 60 Lbs.
Perky Pet Ant Guard Order Now
During the summer months I have at least 8 hummingbird feeders hanging. One of the biggest problems is ANTS! They get all over the feeders and even clog the feeding stations. I tried these ant guards and they work great! I have not had an ant problem since.Get more detail about Perky Pet Ant Guard.
Friday, May 21, 2010
3 MONTH Frontline Top Spot Orange: For Dogs up to 22 lbs. Decide Now
I have been a groomer since 1981 and without a doubt this is the best thing that has happened in the dog world in a very long time. Before Frontline nothing would stop the fleas. With this product pets that could never get rid of the fleas before don't have that problem now. If you use it like it is supposed to be used your dog or cat will not have fleas anymore. I have never had a dog have a reaction to using the product if it is used properly. I highly recommend it to anyone having a flea problem.Get more detail about 3 MONTH Frontline Top Spot Orange: For Dogs up to 22 lbs..
6 MONTH PROGRAM Orange: For cats up to 10 lbs Right now
My cats have fleas. I've been treating for two months now with this thinking that it would save me a little bit of money but it turned out to be a huge waste of money. Invest an extra $10 and get frontline or advantage, you'll be really glad you did. My cats had no problem ingesting the cream, mix it with some super stinky wet food and their glutinous appetites devoured it in under a minute. I could see how it would be hard to get a finicky cat to eat this stuff though, it smells like chemicals I'm sure it doesn't taste that great.Get more detail about 6 MONTH PROGRAM Orange: For cats up to 10 lbs.
Lowest Price K9 ADVANTIX Dog Flea Control 21-55 lbs Red 6 Month
K9 Advantix is the best flea and tick solution for my area. We have lots of grass and woods and my little dogs like to wander and roll in the grass. I have tried other brands and they worked for a short time, but I have been very pleased with the results I have gotten from K9 Advantix.Get more detail about K9 ADVANTIX Dog Flea Control 21-55 lbs Red 6 Month.
Low Price 12 MONTH Advantage Purple for cats over 9lbs.
Super fast shipment, packaged nicely, my two cats hate the stuff, but it definitely gets the fleas gone. GREAT PRODUCT!! GREAT SELLER!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!Get more detail about 12 MONTH Advantage Purple for cats over 9lbs..
Save Tick Twister Pro
The Tick Twister Pro works best for all sizes of ticks on both smooth coated and long haired dogs. I've owned the stainless steel tick remover and the notched plastic spoon type device, which both worked okay, but the sharp edge on the stainless steel device sometimes damaged a well attached tick, leaving the head. I have never damaged a tick while removing it with the Tick Twister. Also, the spoon type device was hard to use on small ticks because the bottom is too rounded to grasp the small ones. The Tick Twister's upright design makes it easy to use on small ticks. The Tick Twister is definitely the best I've used.Get more detail about Tick Twister Pro.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Discount Advantage - Blue Box for Dogs over 55 pounds - 6 pack
I use this product once a month and it has always helped keep the fleas off my dog.Get more detail about Advantage - Blue Box for Dogs over 55 pounds - 6 pack.
Cheap Diatomaceous Earth 3 pounds
I bought this powder for treatment of bedbugs. While other vendors use the same ingredient (diatomaceous earth) in the name of "bedbug powder" for a higher price for marketing purposes, this one is for a lower price and has the same ingredient in bedbug powders. And trust me, it works in the same way as them. While sprays can be used only for temporary treatment of bedbugs, because unless sprayed on them directly it doesnt work. after sprayed the bugs can still keep infesting. But powders on the other hand, once applied stays in the carpet and bed, and thus this kills the incoming bugs and prevents further infestation permanently, unless the powder is manually cleaned. This powder (diatomaceous earth) is deadly for any insect. What we need to do is this -
1. Examine the room, carpets, closets, bed and cot/box, and every corner of the room for bugs.
2. Vaccum the floors and carpets and clean the room.
3. Spread a layer of D-earth in the 4 corners and sides of the room, and make a barrier.
4. Apply d-earth in the edges of the cot/box, its foot and in the corners and edges of matress.
5. cover the mattress with bedspread and you are good to go!
you may find a few bugs for one or two days, but later on, they slowly disappear. Clean again and repeat treatment atleast once in 2 weeks. This powder is recommended for long-term treatment of bugs.Get more detail about Diatomaceous Earth 3 pounds.
Buying 6 MONTH PROGRAM Green: For cats 11-20 lbs (ORAL SUSPENSION)
I care a lot about my two cats and wanted to get them something that wouldn't harm them. I've read a lot of bad stuff about Frontline and Advantage. Most of the other competitors use something that is basically the same as what those two use. Basically Frontline and Advantage contain a neurotoxin that can be extremely harmful to your pets and humans. Not cool.
I looked up some more natural methods. Always remember - *Natural does not mean non-toxic*. Just because something is man-made doesn't make it toxic and just because something occurs in nature doesn't make it safe. I read some things about using garlic to help dogs avoid fleas - apparently at least somewhat ok for dogs, but can be very toxic for cats. Found some essential oil treatments... also looked like it could be toxic.
So I looked up this stuff. Program is completely different from Advantage and Frontline. The active ingredient in it is Lufenuron. I did as much research on it as I could and basically found that it is chemically inert for mammals. The chemical stays in the pet's fat and doesn't affect them at all supposedly. One study I read basically said "we gave them extremely high dosages of it and found that there is no lethal or harmful dosage". Basically they pumped some animals full of as much lufenuron as they could and nothing happened. Sounds good to me!
Lufenuron DID however get included in a biocide ban in Europe because of its supposed toxicity to zooplankton - unsurprising since lufenuron inhibits chitin production. Chitin is what the exoskeletons of fleas are made out of (this is how it kills flea reproduction on your pet) as well as the exoskeletons of zooplankton.Get more detail about 6 MONTH PROGRAM Green: For cats 11-20 lbs (ORAL SUSPENSION).
Buy The Original TICKED OFF
This grooved plastic spoon is no better than a tweezer at removing firmly attached ticks. Unless the critter is completely fat and bloated by blood and nearly ready to drop off on its own, you will leave the head in the wound just like you will with tweezers. We've tried and tried to make it work, but it's really hard to get a tick's head out when it's firmly buried in a cat's fur. It might work better on dogs, but I haven't tried that since I don't have dogs.
I'll keep looking and I'll expect to pay more for the right tool. Sadly, this little plastic spoon isn't the right tool.Get more detail about The Original TICKED OFF.
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