Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Low Price ProMeris for Large Cats Over 9 Pounds 6 Doses USA Version / EPA Registered

I used Advantage on my cat and dog from the time it was introduced until a few years ago when both pets passed away at ripe old ages. Advantage was awesome. When it was introduced I was able to fire my pest control company, and I no longer had to give the pets weekly flea baths. The pets never had any fleas unless I was late with an application of Advantage, despite the fact that both of them had access to the outside.

Forward five years... after five years without pets we acquired two cats. Indoor-only cats, mind you! I put Advantage on them expecting zero fleas, as that had been my experience five years prior. "Hmm, strange, they still have some fleas, but not a severe case-- maybe it will take a while", I thought. I contined putting Advantage on them. They continued to have fleas. And the fleas gave them tapeworms. All the vet and vet techs would say is "You have to treat the environment." They didn't believe me that in the past the environment had never been the issue, and besides I wasn't a total slob and I was vacuuming the rugs and spraying the floors occasionally, and it was looking like I was going to have to return to monthly professional spraying.

I decided to try Frontline. The fleas thought *that* was a total joke. It didn't even seem to slow them down. And the cats had tapeworms again. The vet still insisted I obviously wasn't "treating the environment".

I did some research and discovered there were some new topical flea products out there, namely Promeris and Vectra. I asked the vet for Promeris.

I put the Promeris on the cats. Their fur was wet and messed up on the backs of their necks for about 12 hours, but it didn't seem to bother them. They were their normal lively playful selves. Promeris is supposed to take 24 hours to kill the fleas. At the 20 hour mark, I saw a flea on one of the cats' heads. I combed it out-- very easily too, because it was moving slowly. It staggered around on the floor hopping feebly, then I squished it.(bwa-ha-ha!). It's now been 72 hours and I haven't seen any fleas on either cat today. I combed them and found no fleas, dead or alive, and no flea dirt.

Looks like Promeris is the ticket. Time will tell if it continues to work.Get more detail about ProMeris for Large Cats Over 9 Pounds 6 Doses USA Version / EPA Registered.

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